The Board's motto:
Is dead & buried!
A Group of property owners formed FHSTOP to get you to do just that. The POA Board does not want you to Vote on any Proposals, Sales, Purchases or Debt.
Did you Know?• The Board proposed an initial sale of your amenity property.
• No Voting on any proposed Property Sale for development.
• No Open Monthly Meetings for Large Groups of Members.
• No Transparency on contracts with the Board and Management with Contractors.
• No community input on a Very Large proposed Club House.
• No Voting by members on the Proposed Club House borrowing of millions of dollars.
• No Due Diligence and No Transparency.
• No meetings over the purchase of a $112k lot at the Beginning of Broad Creek Road for a sign.
• No Disclosure about Golf Course and Restaurant potential income short falls.
• The POA’s duties are to promote the welfare of the members. Development on the golf course is counter to that.
• No new (Civil Fines) imposed on Property Owners without a Vote by the entire membership.
What can you do with your limited Voting Rights?
• Vote to Remove some of the Board members
• Sign the Petition to Call a Special Meeting
• Sign the Voting Proxy
Let’s send the FHPOA Board....
a message that Fairfield is moving in the wrong direction. We don’t need Patio homes or anything else. We need open meetings back in the community center. Voting on the Board Borrowing of money. Votes on any Club House proposal. Better Elections of Candidates who will have large open meetings again and not sell off the Harbour.
Sign-up stations....
will be placed around the Harbour. Please look for the signs and stop in. This is only one way to get signed up. Visit the website to download a Petition and Proxy. You can return your Petition and Proxy by mail. Updates will be posted on the website. You can join by signing up as a member, email us and help. This is a Fairfield Harbour Property Owners Association Membership action.
We want you to Vote!
Yes, we want you to Vote. The FHPOA Board will not want you to Vote on this Removal. They will likely send out a disparaging letter and/or emails on the Removal. But, by Law, if 10% of the membership signs the petition, the FHPOA must call a Removal Meeting. This is why you need to sign the petition and Proxy.
Fairfield Harbour STOP & Save The Open Properties.
PO Box 13881
New Bern NC 28561
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